Abstract Submission

You can prepare your abstract(s) in this section and edit them until you submit your abstract(s) for review to the Scientific Committee.

Please carefully read the abstract guidelines;


Abstract Submission Starts 10 December 2012
Abstract Submission Ends 25 February 2013
Abstract Acceptance Announcements 10 March 2013
Registration Deadline for Accepted Abstract Authors 24 March 2013
Final Program Announcement 01 April 2013

Authors can submit abstracts for oral presentation or eposter for the 2nd European Congress for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology. All abstracts must be prepared in English only. Abstracts will be accepted only through the "Online Abstract System" on our website by February 15, 2013. Abstracts sent through e-mail, fax, ordinary post or delivered by hand will not be evaluated. Please carefully check all text for errors before submitting into the system as the quality of your submission may strongly affect the outcome of the reviewer's scoring of your abstract.

Online Abstract System Procedure

  • Authors shall open an account on the online abstract system with a username and a password.
  • Please do not forget to authorize your abstract once submitted. Only authorized abstracts will be evaluated. Abstracts not authorized by the authors will not be submitted to referees.
Abstract Submission Rules

  • Abstract shall not be longer than 250 words.
  • Abstract title must be less than 10 words and express the researches essence.
  • Name, last name, title, institution, city and contact details of authors shall be stated clearly.
  • Presenting author shall be stated in the system.
  • Abstract body shall not include any indication of the personal details of authors.
  • Avoid reference to institution names, locations, or funding sources in the abstract.
  • Abstract (except for case reports) shall include the sections:
    Aim or purpose
    :In one brief sentence, provide the rational for the investigation and/or the question to be answered, with or without short citation(s). Citations should be listed and provide the name and initials of authors (max 3), title of article, title of journal, year of publication, the volume number and first and last page numbers in full.Please note: the aim implies that case reports cannot be accepted, unless the findings lead to more general statements.
    Materials and methods
    : The experimental conditions should be reported briefly (i.e. age group, nature of the animals, sex, and approval from the Ethics Committee at the presenter's institution). The clinical approach should be precise, and the period of time studied taken into account in the interpretation. The methods used should also be clearly indicated (i.e. image analysis, biochemical data, histological, immunohistological or molecular probes used for the analysis of the data, statistical significance).
    Results: The results should be stated in a maximum of three sentences.
    This is any conclusion(s) that can be drawn from the presentation. This final statement is crucial because it supports the scientific value of the poster.
  • Abstracts of the unfinished researches will not be evaluated.
  • No tables, charts or graphics shall be included in the abstracts.
  • Abstracts shouldn't prepared like a presentation type which has already submitted.

Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation by the reviewers is based on;Scientific or Clinical interest in the question to be assessedSufficient data providedInnovationClinical impact

Acceptance Announcement

  • Abstract acceptance letters will be sent by March 10th , 2013.
  • Abstract acceptance letters will be sent to the submitting authors contact e-mail address in the system.
  • All accepted abstracts will be highlighted in the system and authors will be able to monitor the actual situation of their abstracts.
  • At least 1 of the authors of each accepted abstract shall register before March 24th, 2013, in order to include their abstract in the final scientific program.

Oral Presentation:
Only Power Point presentations will be allowed. Be sure to bring your presentation on a CD Rom; floppy disks are discouraged; the use of personal lap-tops is not allowed. The time allocated for oral presentations will be 7 minutes + 3 minutes of discussion. Material for presentation will be uploaded in the Preview Room at least 2 hours before the presentation. We encourage you to check your presentation in the Preview Room well in advance.


At the ECBIP 2013, we will be using e-posters instead of conventional printed posters. We are using e-posters to reduce carbon footprint and to save on the costs associated with printing and laminating a conventional poster.

What is an E-Poster? An e-poster is an electronic version of the traditional boards, and is displayed on monitor screens. The e-poster may include text, figures and images, as well as video.

When can I view a specific poster? A specific poster can be viewed any time during the Conference. A specific time slot will not be required. Simply use one of the computers located in the e-poster area at a time convenient to you. You will be able to view all electronic posters as frequently, and as often as you wish.

Following Submission:
You will receive more information by email. For assistance, please contact the Secretariat.